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Writer's pictureDragos Mihai

How Does the Linear Attribution Model Calculate Credit?

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

If you are curious to know how does the linear attribution model calculate credit, and what it can tell you about your customer journey? we've got you covered.

In marketing, attribution modeling is used to understand how different customer journey stages contribute to their conversion. One popular attribution model used by marketers is the linear attribution model.

This type of model assigns credit for conversions equally across all touchpoints in a customer’s journey. However, understanding attribution can be tricky, especially when there are multiple channels or sources of customer engagement.

How does the Linear Attribution Model Calculate Credit?


The linear attribution model uses a formula to calculate credit for conversions. This formula considers the number of touchpoints along the customer’s journey and assigns an equal amount of credit to each one.

For example, suppose there are four touchpoints in a customer’s journey before they convert. In that case, each touchpoint will receive 25% of the total credit for that conversion (100% divided by 4 = 25%).

So, if one particular ad campaign drove two out of those four touchpoints, it would receive 50% (2 x 25%) of the total credit for that conversion.

How Linear Attribution Model Works?


A linear attribution model is a tool that allows marketers to assess how each touchpoint contributes to their customers’ journey, from awareness to purchase. It assigns an equal amount of credit for each touchpoint in the customer journey, making it easier for marketers to understand where they should focus their efforts.

The linear attribution model assigns equal credit to each touchpoint along a customer’s journey. For example, suppose a customer visits your website three times before converting. In that case, each visit will receive 33% of the credit for that conversion.

This model allows marketers to understand which steps in the customer’s journey are most important, as well as which could be improved upon. It can also be used to measure the ROI on different marketing campaigns and identify areas where more budget should be allocated.

What can you Learn from the Linear Attribution Model?

Using the linear attribution model can help you uncover insights about your customer's journey that you may have otherwise missed out on. For example, you may find that one channel performs better than others but needs more recognition because its contribution needs to be accurately measured.

Or, you may discover that certain channels are not as effective as they could be, so you can shift resources away from them and towards more successful strategies.

Additionally, by understanding where customers engage with your brand along their journey, you can create targeted content for each stage of their experience – ensuring that customers remain engaged throughout their entire experience with your brand.


How does the linear attribution model compare to other models?

The linear attribution model is a simple way to assign financial responsibility for revenue and costs between two or more business entities. Under the linear attribution model, revenue and costs are assumed to be generated equally by each entity in a given period of time.

This assumption is made because it is often difficult, if not impossible, to determine the actual source of revenue or cost. The linear attribution model is used most often in situations where two or more businesses are operated as separate legal entities.

Revenue and costs can be easily attributed to one entity or another under this model. However, the use of the linear attribution model is not limited to situations involving separate businesses.

What are the Benefits of using the Linear Attribution Model?

Using the linear attribution model can help you uncover insights about your customer's journey that you may have otherwise missed out on. For example, you may find that one channel performs better than others but needs more recognition because its contribution needs to be accurately measured.

Or, you may discover that certain channels are not as effective as they could be, so you can shift resources away from them and towards more successful strategies.

Additionally, by understanding where customers engage with your brand along their journey, you can create targeted content for each stage of their experience – ensuring that customers remain engaged throughout their entire experience with your brand.

What are the Drawbacks of the Linear Attribution Model?

The linear attribution model is often used to evaluate the performance of marketing campaigns. However, several things could be improved in this approach.

One limitation is that it considers the time lag between when a customer sees an ad and when they make a purchase. In other words, it may be months or even years before a customer makes a purchase that can be attributed to a particular campaign.

Another limitation is that it assumes marketing efforts equally influence all customers. However, research has shown that different marketing channels influence customers differently. For example, some customers may be more likely to respond to TV ads, while others may be more likely to respond to online ads.

How can I Improve my Results with the Linear Attribution Model?

There are a few things you can do to improve your results with the linear attribution model:

1. Use multiple data sources: The more data you have, the more accurate your attribution will be. Make sure to use data from all channels (Paid Search, Organic Search, social media, Email Marketing, etc.) to get a complete view of your customer's journey.

2. Use conversion tracking: Make sure to use conversion tracking so you can accurately measure the impact of each channel on your bottom line. This will help you determine which channels are most effective and allow you to allocate your resources accordingly.

3. A/B test everything: Always be testing different elements of your campaigns - from keywords to URL mapping.


The linear attribution model is an excellent tool for understanding how different stages in a customer’s journey contribute to their conversion rate and can help marketers optimize their campaigns accordingly.

By assigning equal amounts of credit to each touchpoint along a customer’s path to purchase, this model helps marketers understand which campaigns are driving results and which ones need improvement.

With this information, businesses can make informed decisions about their marketing strategies and ensure they get maximum ROI from their efforts. In addition, the linear attribution model provides valuable insights into how different marketing efforts contribute to your bottom line and ultimately help drive conversions.

Giving credit to all interactions along the customer journey enables marketers to measure engagement across channels and develop data-driven strategies accordingly and accurately.

We hope that you have got the idea about how does the linear attribution model calculate credit.

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